Specialists in filtration!

DELTA FILTER’s activated carbon products are based on wood, coal or coconut shell as the primary ingredient material. To achieve the desired properties activated carbon undergoes a steam activation or chemical activation. We supply activated carbon in cylindrical (pelletized) shapes, powdered form and granular form, widely used in air purification, water purification, decolorization, deodorization (odor removal), solvent recovery and other fields.


Manufactured by milling and mixing to achieve the precise adsorption and filtration properties, offering customized solutions for a wide application range.

Media: Gas phase (e.g. Flue gas), Liquid phase (e.g. decolorization)

Application: Water treatment, decolorization, chlorophyllin removal, flue gas treatment, chemical purification, glucose purification, fructose purification

Raw material base: Coal based, Wood based, Coconut shell based


Specifically designed for optimal porosity and particle size distribution according to the components of the media to be removed.

Media: Gas phase (e.g. Flue gas), Liquid phase (e.g. decolorization, purification)

Application: Water treatment (drinking water and waste water treatment, alcohol purification, decolorization, decaffeination, H2S removal, SO2 removal, oil refining

Raw material base: Coal based, Wood based, Coconut shell based


Pelletized activated carbon can be produced from coal, wood and coconut shell, either by high temperature steam activation or chemical activation under stringent quality control. With low ash content, large surface area, high mechanical hardness, high pore volume and chemical stability it’s most suitable for air treatment applications, but can also be used in liquid phases.

Media: Gas phase (e.g. Purification), Liquid phase (e.g. Water treatment)

Application: Air treatment, water treatment, chemical purification, solvent recovery, H2S adsorption, SO2 adsorption

Raw material base: Coal based, Wood based, Coconut shell based


Most frequently used in air conditioning plants for removal of smells and odors. The filter media or cylinders are filled with activated carbon granulate to have adsorption properties in special designed holding frames or housings.

Media: Gas phase (e.g. Odor control)

Application: Air treatment, odor control, industrial air-conditioning